As the name suggests, box gutters have “boxed sides” with a flat square-shaped base. It is commonly used in buildings to maintain a good drainage flow in the roof.

What’s so special about box gutters? What are the common issues that you may encounter with box gutters?

In this article, we’ll touch some of the underlying box gutter problems and ways to fix them. We will also discuss the importance of proper gutter installation.

Before we move on Fremantle Roofing Services are expert roof restoration and repair specialists in Perth WA and we can help you with all your roofing problems.

If you’re ready, let’s begin!

The Importance of Gutters

Out of sight, out of mind…

Gutters are not usually seen, but it is one of the most vital parts of your home. Without it, you’re looking at a plethora of roof drainage issues.

Unsurprisingly, gutters are one of the most overlooked parts of your home. They shouldn’t be! Gutter cleaning is important to maintain the state of your roofing system.

Gutters protect the foundation of your home by diverting rainwater away. Think about it… without the rain gutters or eaves box gutters, heavy rain can penetrate the windows, doors and even the foundation of your home.

It can lead to the deterioration of roof structure – and even to a collapsed roof!

So, it is always best to check the guttering system of your home once in a while!

Common Box Gutter Issues and How to Fix it

Here are the top box gutter issues every homeowner should be aware of:


Leaks occur anywhere on the box gutter, especially near the areas leading to the downspout. One for that is, the metal corrodes faster in areas that hold water.

If you notice the water dripping through the trims, look for rust holes or cracked solder joints on the metal sheet or the gutter guards.

For quick inspection, use a leaf blower to remove the debris from the box gutter quickly.

Water Spills

Water spills usually occur due to blockage in the roof drainage system. There are two reasons why water spills occur which are: the water coming to the drain is too strong, and it overflows the gutter, or there is a blockage somewhere in the drainage system.

Another scenario of why water spills occur is due to cracked trim which can lead to the gutter overflow. Start looking for discolouration in the trim, wood, or metal.

If the water spill or gutter overflow issue is still undeniable, it could be a more significant issue. It is best to call the roofing contractor to take a good look at your box gutter.

Water Running behind the Gutter

This is a serious issue that occurs in box gutters as it can damage not only the trim but also make way for water to enter your home.

This kind of issue happens due to bad box gutter design which can lead to overflowing. Look for water spots on the ceiling, corners and walls – it could be a sign of water penetrating your home.

Water entering your home is a serious issue. Regular maintenance and inspection for box gutters are needed to avoid it.

And what’s the fix?

There are different ways to fix box gutter problems from caulking, sealing and having it aligned.


Polymer, butyl rubber and urethane are the best caulking compounds that are used for fixing a leaky gutter.

It sticks to the leaky gutter after it is dry and clean and can give you an excellent service for many years.

If you decided to use metal caulking, be sure to use a complete coating system using rust-inhibiting primer, pressure washer, fabric reinforcement and two topcoats.


  • Quick fix
  • Affordable
  • Durable (if done correctly)
  • Easy installation


  • It does not solve the water spills issue.


If you want to mend leaks, holes and other damage in the box gutters, sealing it is an effective solution.

Sealing is quite an easy task. All you need is a suitable sealant to fix the issue.

Water-resistant sealants are the best. Apply the sealant correctly and ensure that all the leaky areas are covered.


  • Quick fix
  • Affordable
  • Easy application


  • You need the right type of sealant for it to work.

Realigning the Box Gutters

Gutters should be on a slight slope directing the water to the downspout. Too much slope is not recommended as it can lead to erosion which can damage the landscape of your garden.

To test if the gutter is on the slope, try the water test. If the box gutter issue is severe, you need to call the gutter company.


So, have you noticed any of these box gutter problems? If so… I hope you have handled it gracefully without paying a high price.

The best way to maintain box gutters (and your roof) is to conduct regular inspections. Ensure the box gutters in your home by keeping it clean and free from debris.

Talk to a gutter specialist to address your box gutter issues.

Reach out to Fremantle Roofing Services if you need help with box gutter problems.