When you wish to preserve your house, you should install a gutter system. It’s an integral part of your roof and is designed to collect rainwater so that it doesn’t run off your walls or get into the home. Overall, they ensure the water gets drained away to avoid water pooling.

If you’re replacing old gutters on your house, you should be aware of the many Australian gutter types available. Fremantle Roofing Services can help you understand.

making a gutter (machine)

What Makes a Gutter?

Before beginning renovation or construction work, you must know the various Australian gutter types and profiles. Here are the primary components of your gutter:

  • Horizontal Part – This collects the rainwater running off the roof and can have different dimensions or aesthetics.
  • Downpipe – This is the vertical component and helps water drain from the horizontal part of your drainage system.
  • Niches – These accessories serve as connections between your downspout and gutter.
  • Collector – This element connects your downspout to the drainage system.

Why Is a Gutter System Important?

Roofing without gutters will be exposed to many problems that can eventually lead to the deterioration of the roof. Moisture accelerates the roof’s decline, which requires major renovations. Likewise, gutter installation prevents rainwater from collecting and the risk of the water falling off where you don’t want it.

a roofing gutter cornis

The Different Types of Gutters

There are three primary Australian gutter types: concealed, box, and fascia gutters. They all have their disadvantages and advantages, so it’s wise to understand them to determine what’s suitable for older or modern homes.

Fascia Gutters (Eaves Gutters)

Eaves (fascia) gutters are the most common for Australian homes. These gutter types are installed directly onto the roof rafters through the fascia boards. However, it doesn’t require you to have a conventional fascia made of wood or metal materials.

These gutters are popular when large amounts of water have to be moved quickly. Likewise, they’re considered durable, efficient, and safe.

Aesthetically, the gutters are visible from the ground and exposed. Therefore, they come in various colours, combinations, coatings, and profiles. Typically, Zincalume Steel and Colorbond are used.

The disadvantage here is that you must keep the gutters clean to ensure water is flowing correctly. You may wish to invest in gutter guards and a professional cleaning company.

Fascia Gutters

Box Gutters

Box gutters are often rectangular and go between the two parallel parts of your roof edge. This gutter is usually found on historic houses built before the 20th century. However, their popularity is rising for modern homes.

Traditionally, box gutters are ideal if your roof sits close to a wall or you wish to restore a historic property. They aren’t visible from the ground and can blend nicely with your structure.

Prices are often higher because the wood is made to measure. Likewise, maintenance can be difficult, and you might wind up with serious water damage if you’re not careful.

Box Gutters

Concealed Gutters

Concealed gutters are often called internal fixed guttering and are found behind the fascia. It’s not directly on the fascia board nor placed on the outside surfaces. Overall, it’s completely hidden, so you won’t see it.

They’re often used in commercial premises to allow advertising and banner signs. Likewise, security cameras and lighting can be installed easily. Shop owners hide the gutter, but many historic buildings use it for that purpose, as well.

You must ensure that the gutter is installed correctly and designed well to be effective at draining water. For example, a heavy rainfall will cause badly installed gutters to overflow.

Concealed Gutters

What Are the Different Gutter Profiles?

All gutter profiles have distinctive characteristics, and you should understand them. These are the most common in Perth:


Square gutters are popular for rainwater drainage. The design of this gutter profile features strong and clean lines because the front is higher and toward the top edge. Therefore, the tile ends can be hidden.

There are various external and internal brackets available. For example, you may choose overflow slots to prevent water from coming out of the back of your gutter.

Overall, this gutter profile could be combined with tiling, such as Longrun sheets. However, the most common materials are Zincalume Steel guttering by Galvsteel and BlueScope.

Sheerline Gutter Profile


A Sheerline gutter profile features a versatile design. You can choose it for property renovations where it will fit over existing gutters. A concealed fastener ensures a longer lifespan and more strength. Plus, you get a seamless and sleek finish.

The gutter can be found with and without a slot, and it’s easy to install.

Half-Round Gutter Profile

Half-round Gutters

Half-round gutters are one of the most popular gutter profiles because of the curved base. They’re found on elegant buildings of all types.

The curved base design is aesthetically pleasing and functional. It automatically prevents water and other debris from getting inside. Find it as completely semi-circular or with a straight back.

Generally, Zincalume Steel is used for such a gutter profile.

Quad Gutter (Slotted) Profile

Quad Gutter (Slotted)

A slotted gutter profile is ideal for coastal areas. If homes are constantly exposed to salt and wind, debris is carried to the roof. Likewise, these gutter profiles are great for industrial settings.

The slotted design of quad gutters prevents water flow from pushing into the eaves. Therefore, a heavy rain won’t do any damage.

Overall, the gutter brackets are invisible, which gives you smooth-line gutters with a sleek finish. Usually, Zincalume Steel guttering or Colorbond materials are used here.

Ogee Gutter Profile


The last of the gutter profiles is the Ogee gutter. It’s shaped to form a long “S,” so there is a curved base, but it’s slightly different. Plus, you can see the structure from the front side of your gutter.

It’s an original option and contains a distinctive profile. Therefore, it’s ideal for houses with character because the curved base of this system will create a unique look. Your property will stand out, and it’s also highly functional.

Overall, Ogee isn’t just known for its aesthetic appeal. It’s an effective tool for drainage. In fact, it has a high rainfall-carrying capacity that no other option has, which makes maintenance on the roof easier. As for the materials used, Ogee prefers Zincalume Steel and Colorbond, which will reflect the quality of this gutter.

Best Gutter Profiles in Australia

What Is the Best Gutter Profile?

The Sheerline design is often best for low-slope and high-profile roofs, such as on pergolas, sheds, and patios. However, fascia gutters are ideal when you must remove large amounts of water quickly. They’re often the most efficient, durable, and safest option, especially if you want to cover a large roof or have unfavourable weather.

What Is the Proper Slope for Guttering?

If the gutter system doesn’t have a slope or it’s insufficient, the water can’t run off and might stagnate. With a steeper roof slope, you have less water overflow to drain off. Therefore, the slope should be about five degrees, depending on the roofing used and where you live.

How Much Fall Should a Gutter Have in Australia?

Typically, installation requirements vary by state, but a gutter system should be installed with an appropriate “fall” so that water flows toward the downpipe or drain connection. If there’s an inadequate fall, the water will pond and shorten the lifespan of your gutters.

The slope of the gutter system depends on its length on one side. The general rule is to have gutters sloping about one-quarter of an inch for every 10 feet.

How to Maintain a Gutter System

A gutter system ensures that your home is aesthetically pleasing and lasts a long time, but it must be operational. It can fail if it’s not properly maintained. Debris, foliage, and moss will accumulate and block your drainage system. Therefore, you should clean the gutters regularly to avoid an issue.

Choose Fremantle Roofing Services

Gutters play a crucial role in your building’s viability. They will channel the rainwater away from the roof and protect your home from moisture. If you don’t have a drainage system in place, you may find damage inside and outside the home.

However, you must understand the Australian gutter types available before you start a new roofing project. A professional roofing specialist can help you choose a gutter with a high rainfall-carrying capacity and a curved base if that’s your preference. Generally, they recommend Zincalume steel, though there are other options for common gutter profiles.

If you’re having issues going through the types of gutters and selecting one, it’s best to call Fremantle Roofing Services today. We can help you choose the right gutter replacement for your project.