Looking to understand the Colorbond roofing price for your property? In 2024, prices start from approximately $18 per square meter for basic corrugated steel sheets, climbing up to $36.50 for specialized options like Colorbond Ultra. This article will guide you through the nuances of Colorbond roofing prices, covering material and labor costs as well as key factors that can influence your final quote.

Colorbond Steel roof sheets

Exploring Colorbond Roofing Choices and Prices

Choosing Colorbond roofing means embracing an extensive range of designer colours and profiles that cater to a diverse array of architectural styles and functional requirements. With the capacity to complement any home aesthetic, Colorbond roofing stands as a testament to versatility and customization. Colorbond offers a wide range of modern shades to enhance your home’s exterior, including:

  • Shale grey
  • Cottage green
  • Surfmist
  • Monument
  • Woodland grey
  • Classic cream
  • Deep ocean
  • Manor red
  • Night sky
  • Dune

Imagine your city terrace roof adorned in ‘shale grey’ or a quaint cottage topped with ‘cottage green’ – Colorbond offers these and many more options to suit your style.

Each Colorbond roof sheet is a marvel of engineering, boasting a thickness of 0.42mm and a high tensile strength of G550Mpa. Not only does this provide robust durability, but the standard coverage width of 762mm ensures that your roofing materials are optimized for coverage, while the option for custom lengths means your roof will have the perfect fit, no matter the design. Whether it’s a classic pitched roof or a bold, modern flat design, Colorbond’s corrugated roofing options, including the popular colorbond corrugated roof, are designed to meet your specific building requirements for colorbond roofs.

To truly appreciate the breadth of options available, consider the color palette. From the deep, earthy tones of ‘woodland grey’ to the soft neutrality of ‘shale grey’, the vibrant, lush ‘cottage green’, and the subtle elegance of ‘pale eucalypt’, there’s a hue to suit every preference and setting. The extensive range of colours is matched by a selection of profiles, ensuring your new roof or wall cladding is as unique as your home itself.

Colorbond Roof Sheet Costs

Unveiling the Cost of Colorbond Roof Sheets

Colorbond roofing affordability is often a concern for homeowners, but understanding the Colorbond roof cost can help alleviate those worries. With a range starting from a mere $18 per square meter for corrugated steel sheets, it’s an investment well within reach. For those requiring specialized solutions, such as Colorbond Ultra designed for harsh coastal environments, the price can go up to $36.50 per sheet, reflecting the premium protection offered against the elements.

The cost spectrum ranges from $18 to $40 per square meter, ensuring options for every budget. Powder-coated colorbond sheets, for example, are approximately $22 per square meter, while double-sided colorbond corrugated options hover around $24. With 22 colors to choose from including contemporary, classic, matte, and ultra finishes, you can select the perfect roofing materials without breaking the bank.

When considering the price of your colorbond roof, it’s crucial to factor in the benefits of metal roofing over traditional options. Some of the benefits of colorbond roof sheets include:

  • Sleek, modern look
  • Durability
  • Long-term savings on maintenance and energy costs, thanks to solar reflective colour options that help keep your home cooler.
How Much Does Colorbond Roofing Cost

Total Expenditure for Installing a Colorbond Roof

The journey to installing a Colorbond roof begins with understanding the total expenditure involved. For most Australian homes, this investment ranges from $10,000 for smaller abodes to a substantial $23,000, and can even reach up to $30,000 for exceptionally large properties. This price includes both materials and installation, placing the cost per square metre between $53 and $97.

Yet, the path to a new roof can come with unexpected turns. Complexities such as removing an existing roof, particularly when dealing with hazardous materials like asbestos, or uncovering structural issues during installation can escalate the total cost. However, it’s worth noting that compared to traditional tiled roofs, Colorbond roofing offers a more economic solution in the long run, thanks to its excellent durability and minimal maintenance requirements.

When planning for walling installations or a roof replacement, keep in mind that a Colorbond roof offers several benefits:

  • Enhances the property’s aesthetic
  • Contributes to a more energy-efficient home
  • Requires low maintenance
  • Provides long-term cost savings

Investing in a Colorbond roof is a wise and cost-effective decision over time.

Labour Costs: Hiring Roofing Professionals

When it’s time to translate your roofing dreams into reality, you’ll need to consider the cost of hiring roofing professionals. On average, labor costs for installing a Colorbond roof hover around $50 per square meter, though this can vary from $44 to $55 depending on your location and the contractor’s pricing strategy.

Hourly rates for these skilled tradespeople range from $50 to $80, which can significantly impact the final cost of your project. It’s important to understand that these rates are influenced by factors such as the complexity of the roof and the contractor’s level of expertise, with the average hourly rate in Australia sitting at $89.25.

Investing in professional installation is not just about ensuring a job well done; it’s about securing the longevity and performance of your roof. Experienced roofing professionals bring invaluable knowledge and precision to your project, guaranteeing that your new roof will be a source of pride and protection for years to come.

State-by-State Comparison of Colorbond Roof Costs

The cost of a Colorbond roof installation doesn’t just depend on the size and design of your roof; it also varies locally. In New South Wales, for example, labor costs are on the higher side, averaging between $55 and $60 per square meter. This contrast is evident when compared to Queensland, where costs are more economical, ranging from $40 to $45 per square meter.

To put it in perspective, while you might pay approximately $55 per square meter for Colorbond roofing in the bustling market of New South Wales, in Queensland, the average rate dips to around $40. This regional variation is a testament to the influence of local market rates and the importance of considering location when budgeting for your roofing project.

It’s not just about the bottom line, though. Different states may have unique environmental demands, such as bushfire zones or coastal areas, which can necessitate specialized roofing materials like Colorbond’s manor red or ultra products, ensuring your home is as protected as it is stylish.

Key Factors Influencing Your Colorbond Roofing Quote

Navigating the elements that shape your Colorbond roofing quote is akin to assembling a complex puzzle. The size and complexity of your roof will undoubtedly play a significant role, as larger and more intricate designs require more materials and labor, thereby increasing the quote.

Specialized Colorbond types, such as those designed for harsh coastal weather or ones featuring solar reflective technology in lighter colours, can also tilt the scales of your quote. These premium features, while adding to the upfront cost, offer long-term savings through enhanced thermal efficiency and weather protection.

The specifics of your project, whether it’s a replacement of an existing roof or a brand-new installation, as well as the accessibility of your location, will also influence the quote. Such details can sway the final amount, so it’s crucial to discuss them in depth with your roofing professionals to avoid any surprises.

The Benefits of Investing in Colorbond Roofing

Investing in a Colorbond roof offers a myriad of benefits, including:

  • Aesthetically pleasing appearance
  • Thermal efficiency with reflective properties that help keep your home cooler
  • Reduced need for air conditioning, resulting in energy cost savings

Durability is another cornerstone of Colorbond roofing, with its ability to withstand the harsh Australian climate, from blazing sun to torrential rain, ensuring your roof remains resilient over time. The low maintenance design of Colorbond metal roofing, which promotes efficient runoff of water and debris, adds yet another layer of convenience, sparing homeowners the frequent upkeep required by other roofing materials.

Moreover, Colorbond roofing offers the following benefits:

  • It aligns with environmental sustainability values due to its recyclable nature
  • Its lightweight design reduces structural stress on your home, enhancing safety
  • It provides protection and peace of mind

This combination of characteristics makes Colorbond roofing a sound investment.

Colorbond roofing Australia

How to Secure an Accurate Quote for Your Colorbond Roof

Seeking an accurate quote for your Colorbond roof installation requires diligence and a bit of legwork. Begin by sourcing multiple quotes from local roofers, aiming for at least three to ensure a fair comparison. Provide as much detail as possible about your existing roof and any potential access challenges to ensure each quote reflects the full scope of work required.

When comparing quotes, it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the credibility and reliability of the service providers. Verify each roofing professional’s trade license, insurance, and work references to ensure they meet the high standards your home deserves. Don’t overlook the importance of warranties and insurance offered by the contractor, as these are indicators of their commitment to quality and your long-term satisfaction.

At Fremantle Roofing Services, we pride ourselves on our roof restoration expertise and exceptional customer service. We offer comprehensive roofing solutions and have a solid reputation in the industry. By choosing Fremantle Roofing Services, you can be assured of a reliable benchmark for quality and cost.

With the right preparation and a focus on thoroughness, securing an accurate quote can set the stage for a successful Colorbond roof installation, ensuring that the final result is as beautiful and durable as you envision.


Embarking on the journey to a new Colorbond roof unveils an exciting realm of possibilities. From the vast array of colours and profiles to the thoughtful consideration of costs and benefits, each step brings you closer to a home that’s not only visually appealing but also functionally superior. Embrace the process, and let the durability, thermal efficiency, and style of Colorbond roofing transform your abode into the envy of the neighborhood.

Ready to take the next step? Contact Fremantle Roofing Services today for a free consultation and quote. Our team of roof repair experts is here to guide you through every stage of your Colorbond roofing project, ensuring a seamless and satisfying experience. Transform your home with Fremantle Roofing Services – where quality meets excellence.