The roof over your head is one of the most important fixtures of your home. Your roof protects you from direct sunlight, rain, and whatever pests might otherwise intrude. Unfortunately, these all-important features don’t last forever, this is a structures Roof Maintenance comes into focus.

Without proper maintenance and repairs, your roof could crack or damage the internal space. To avoid any damage, you should regularly check your roofing system for signs of damage, broken tiles, or moisture. If you notice any signs of deterioration, address the problem as soon as possible. 

Regular maintenance for your roof is a necessary process, but one that is challenging, time-consuming, and ineffective if done the wrong way. Be sure to avoid these five common mistakes before you attempt to fix or maintain your roof.

Using Too Much Insulation

Insulation serves the critical role of filling the gaps in your walls and roof. It works to protect your home from heat, allowing your indoor temperatures to hold up against the oppressive summer heat in Perth. However, using too much insulation could cause more harm than good. 

When you fill your roof or attic with too much insulation, it can cut off the airflow and lead to mould and mildew development. Ensure that you don’t overfill your roof with too much insulation to prevent the hassle of mould remediation services in the future.

roof insulation

Hiring an Inexperienced Roofing Contractor

Cost often reflects quality when it comes to roofing repairs. As a result, hiring an inexperienced contractor may save you money initially. However, you may find that your roofing woes return quickly – or that your cheap contractor created even more problems for your otherwise well-maintained roof. 

Instead, compare rates from different contractors before making your selection. You don’t have to hire the most expensive team, but if a contractor provides you with a quote that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Save yourself the time, money, and hassle and invest in quality repairs from an experienced team.

highly recommended and trusted tradies

Ignoring the Natural Elements Around Your Home

Is your home surrounded by trees? While they may offer a welcome respite from hot Perth summers, their branches can cause countless problems for your rooftop.

Overhanging tree branches may increase the moisture on your rooftop, resulting in dampness, mould, and mildew. Moss may begin to grow on or between your tiles or shingles, too, shifting the roofing materials and damaging the structure of your rooftop. 

In addition, trees allow animals to access your roof, which can increase the amount of dirt, grime, and debris on your rooftop. Finally, fallen branches, twigs, and leaves can get stuck between your tiles or trap moisture on your rooftop. 

natural elements around the roof

Temporarily Fixing Major Issues

When you first notice a leak in your roof, your first reaction might be to rapidly address the issue. 

A leaking roof might seem like nothing more than an inconvenience to the untrained eye. With that mindset, a homeowner might do nothing more than patch the hole to prevent water from coming in. While the easy fix might solve the issue for a moment, the roof maintenance process doesn’t stop there. 

A leak is typically a sign of a bigger issue that can lead to more significant problems. When you notice a leak, it’s critical to take your time and fix the problem correctly. Then, scan the rest of your roof for other leaks or mould formation that could point to a major moisture problem.

Gutter Replacement Perth

Inspect More Than the Roof

Many homeowners only look at the surface of their roof when performing maintenance. However, you’ll often find that issues with your roofing begin at the top of the house. 

Typically, mildew and cracks form at the top of the roof first. However, it’s not the only place where issues can arise. Structural damage and mould formation in your attic can cause problems for your roof down the road. Therefore, it is vital to inspect all areas around your roof before completing your maintenance.

mould formation in your attic

Call Fremantle Roofing Services Today for Professional Roof Maintenance

Proper roof maintenance can be challenging for beginners. Fortunately, that’s where Fremantle Roofing Services comes in. 

Our maintenance experts will inspect and care for your roof the right way, leaving you with peace of mind and structurally sound home. Our team can fix anything, from cement to metal roofing and everything in between.

To schedule an appointment with the roof restoration experts in Perth at Fremantle Roofing Services, call today at 0400 854 758.