At Fremantle Roofing Service we are proud to help the people of Perth WA with helpful roofing tips.

Below is a video that will explain in detail how to change a roof tile (how to replace a roof tile) so you can do it without damaging your homes roof.

for any other questions please contact our expert roofing services at P: 0400 854 758 or email

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Can you repair a broken roof tile?

Repairing a broken roof tile can be a relatively simple job if you have the right tools and experience. Here are some steps you can follow to repair a broken roof tile:

First, carefully climb onto your roof and locate the broken tile. Make sure to take proper safety precautions, such as wearing non-slip shoes and securing a ladder. Carefully remove any other broken tiles, pieces of the broken tile and any debris from the area. Measure the dimensions of the broken tile so you can find a replacement that fits properly. Purchase a replacement tile that matches the style and color of the existing tiles on your roof. You can typically find replacement tiles at a local hardware or roofing supply store. Carefully place the replacement tile onto the roof, making sure it fits snugly into place. Secure it in place using roofing nails or adhesive, depending on the type of tile and the specific repair needed. Finally, inspect the repaired area to ensure that the tile is securely in place and that there are no other damaged tiles nearby that may need to be repaired as well.

If you’re not comfortable with climbing onto your roof or performing the repairs yourself, it’s best to hire a professional roofing contractor to handle the job for you. Roof repairs can be dangerous and should only be attempted by those with experience and the right equipment.

What do you use to complete roof tile repair?

The type of material and method used to repair roof tiles can vary depending on the specific type of tile repair, and the extent of the damage. Here are some of most common tile types, materials and methods that can be used to repair roof tiles:

  1. Roofing cement or sealant: This is a type of adhesive that can be used to repair cracks or small breaks in roof tiles. It is typically applied with a trowel or caulking gun.
  2. Roofing nails: These are used to secure loose tiles back in place. The nails are inserted through the overlapping portion of the tile and into the roof deck or batten.
  3. Replacement tiles: If a tile is too damaged to be repaired, it may need to be replaced with a new tile that matches the existing tiles on the roof.
  4. Roofing tape: This is a type of tape that can be used to seal small cracks or breaks in roof tiles. It is typically made from a durable, waterproof material such as silicone or rubber.
  5. Epoxy: This is a type of two-part adhesive that can be used to repair larger cracks or breaks in roof tiles. It typically sets quickly and creates a strong bond that can withstand weather and other environmental factors.

Do cracked roof tiles need to be replaced?

Cracked roofs and roof tiles should be replaced as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the roof and potential water leaks into the building. Cracks can allow water to seep into the underlayment and decking, leading to rot, mold, and other serious issues that can compromise the structural integrity of the roof and the building.

In addition, cracked tiles can be a sign of other underlying issues with concrete tiles on the roof, such as improper installation or damage from weather events. It’s important to have a professional roofing contractor inspect the roof to identify the cause of water damage and the cracked tiles and to ensure that any underlying issues are addressed before replacing the damaged tiles.

How do you remove a single tile from a roof?

Removing a single tile from a roof can be a relatively simple process if done carefully and correctly. Here are some general steps to follow when removing a single tile from a roof:

Identify the tile tiled roof that needs to be removed. Carefully inspect the whole tiled roof to determine which tile is damaged or needs to be replaced.

Use a flat pry bar or specialized tool called a slate ripper to carefully loosen the tile from the roof. Begin at the bottom of each row of the tile row and work your way up the row, gently prying the tile up and away from the roof deck.

Once the tile is loose, carefully slide it out from under the tiles above it. Be careful not to damage any surrounding tiles.

Inspect the area where the tile was removed. Check for any damage or issues with the underlayment or decking. It’s important to address any underlying issues before installing a new tile.

Install a new tile that matches the existing tiles on the house and roof. Slide it into place under the tiles above it and make sure it is securely in place.

Secure the new tile in place using roofing nails or adhesive, depending on the specific type of roof leaks out of tile and repair needed.

Inspect the repaired area to ensure that the new tile is securely in place and that there are no other damaged tiles nearby that may need to be repaired or replaced as well.

Can you replace tiles from inside the roof?

It is generally not possible to replace tiles from inside a roof, as tiles are typically installed and secured from the outside of the roof. In most cases, access to the top of the roof is required to remove and replace damaged tiles.

However, in some cases, it may be possible to access the roof tiles from the inside of the attic or crawl space beneath the roof. This is typically only possible if the tiles are not nailed or otherwise secured to the roof decking, but instead are held in place by a system of battens and clips. In this case, the tiles can be gently lifted and removed from the battens from the inside of the attic or crawl space.

How much does it cost to replace terracotta roof tiles in Australia?

The cost of replacing roof tiles in Australia can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the type of tile, the size of the roof, the extent of the damage, and the location of common tile types the property. Here are some general guidelines for the cost of roof tile replacement in Australia:

  • The cost of individual roof tiles can range from around $1 to $10 per tile, depending on the type and quality of the tile.
  • Labor costs for roof tile replacement can range from around $50 to $150 per hour, depending on the experience and qualifications of the roofing contractor.
  • For a small repair job, such as replacing a single tile, the total cost may be around $200 to $500.
  • For a larger job, such as replacing a significant number of tiles on a large roof, the total cost can range from $5,000 to $15,000 or more.